Motorcycle chat thread

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Junkie, when I was riding regularly on my XJR1300 SP road bike, a 1300cc 240kg naked oil cooled bike that I'd been riding about 4 years at the time, a mate let me have a go of his Honda 450 dirt bike. I rode that thing in full leathers, my weight then would of been about 250lbs, that thing tried throwing me off the back at every opportunity, it was feckin scary to ride. Now this was after I'd ridden a Honda Fireblade at 176mph through Newcastle on the central motorway.
Get experience on a lesser powered bike, learn from our mistakes because as much as we give you poop no one wants to see you hurt or worse.
So here's some pics of the good bad and ugly. Paid $3800 how do you guys think I did? 6k miles


Looks like it was dropped or driven into something on left side. Everything is cosmetic so I was willing to overlook it. But. After getting it home and having a nasty after fire issue I noticed this dbag drilled holes into the muffler to I guess get that bap bap sound on decel. Really wish I noticed that cause I woulda paid less. Oh well live ya learn.

I'm thinking new front fairing, engine cover and repainting the left fairing should be around $500 which would bring me to $4300. I'm hoping to get 4500-5k at end of season, am I buggin?? Haven't decided if I'm gonna get a slip on yet.