Body paint

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King 🤴 Womble
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Excellence Award
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Thought I'd show this off here. Cleaning up to get rid of stuff found a new body for the savage. Figured what the heck I have the paint may as well give it a go. Spaz stix paint. Candy apple red, silver metallic backer going to do my best to get the mirror chrome done up decent for the trim. No promises. This will take a good bit of taping, and I'm dead shite at taping. I just got her cut out and the taping will soon commence.


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Mate I’ve got no more room for tools, plus this missus would have a meltdown if I put a compressor n the kitchen, as much as I’d love to. ?

I did that spray chrome and clear coat in my den lol. Built a mini spray booth and ran a 6" exhaust hose out the sliding glass door lmfao! I don't think the landlords would have approved but fek um.
I'm with ya Milo. I'm very unartistic and can't even decide what color to paint my Marder. Heating spray cans? Never heard that trick before, does it make the spray come out finer?
Tbh it's really not hard to do, get better paints and don't spend the cash for so little. I paint my own full size stuff as well, so this was a natural progression for me. See how it goes, hardest part will be the taping for the trim. Actually needs a black line in the middle down the sides then the mirror chrome behind it to simulate the rubber may not go that route though. Like I said my taping skills are dead shite, so getting a crisp line is going to be rough for me. You can brush this stuff on with decent results, just again need a steady hand. I'll be goo and tape this thing as well. It's pretty thin lexan, but I guess I should have expected that being an hpi part.
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