New Shell day!! :D

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Well-Known Member
Sunny Northwest!
my ST Shell arrived, have all 3 parts now )body/bumper & wing) all in clear (looks white but thats just the protective film) I had to do a lot of searching as trying to find a new clear ST shell in the UK was difficult, so in the end i ordered it from a retailer in Holland! Also some parts for my diff rebuild :)

Anyway now to decide on colours, thinking Green/Black or Pink/black! ...not decided yet ^^

st shell.jpg
ok so about to pull the trigger after spending days deciding on colour! ...ive decided to go with either:

Tamiya Fluro Pink PS-29 or Fastrax fluo purple (FAST285) with Tamiya Gunmetal PS-23

With Fastrax you get 150ml (as opposed to the 100ml Tamiya!) Fastrax it is also around £1 cheaper per can. Im guessing im going to need x2 cans of each colour.

Also, for the backing of the fluro/bright colours, im thinking to back it with silver so i can then back that with black so the inside of shell is all dark, is this correct?

I was going to back the fluro with white but this isnt a good idea if going to back later with black?

What you guys think on the colours between these:

this is the fastrax fluro purple:

and this is the Tamiya Fluro Pink:
Screenshot 2023-12-15 205427.png

The Secondry colour i was going to use Jet Black, but then i thought the Gunmetal will be ab better choice?:
Screenshot 2023-12-15 205619.png

I like both.. gonna have to make the decision on your own there lol. I have a weird obsession lately with those colors. Hence my Align Trex550x below. I also partially agree with Sean (no disrespect brother) on the backer color. I personally would go bright white. IMO, silver will darken your primary color a tad. In my experience, anything other than white will cause slight darkening of the color. So I would shoot your primary colors and then see if you want them about the same or a tad darker. If you want a tad darker...shoot silver then back whole thing with white. If you want it about the same..back with 2 coats of white. 🏁🏁
Love it! Post pics when done. Excited too see how it comes out!
Will do buddy!

cut an old 2 litre coke/pepsi bottle up and do a few test pieces fella, backed with the different option and see how ya like em (y) ,
thats what i do and saves backing the shell then not liking the finish when yer done,
Excellent tip, will do that cheers ;)
paint arrived, just deciding on design! cant decide lol, but think i know what im going for now, originally was going to use the paint drips effect, but now ive decided to go for a more clean 2-tone look :)

1st mission is to trim the shell as im using madmax giant grips rims so i need to make the wheel arches a little bigger & also cut the hole in the rear bed a little larger. Will post some pics when i begin ^^